The Robinson Family, where it all began.

Learn More About Our Family.

Mom & Dad...Jackie and Mary Ruth married in 1956 and have been living out an adventure called "Life" In Memory of Daddy 61 years together.

We're In The Army Now!

Jackie went from a Private to a Captain then Graduated from the University of Kentucky with help from the G.I. Bill so that we could...

Get Educated!

He received a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship to Princeton University. We all discovered education from that adventure so...

We Are Set For Life!

Little Ones...came into their lives and with each child came another adventure...It was an exciting time, Jackie was teaching and Mary Ruth was enjoying being a homemaker, but then...

A Dramatic Change took place in our family's plans.

Mom, Dad and the children; Rachel, Rebekah, Mark, Julia and Susannah were invited to sing all over New York State after many nights of singing with students in our home. These students said we made people feel better when we sing our little songs. We took what they said seriously... and did.

Our First Big Show.

We won a talent contest at the NY State Fair then sold our home & Jackie gave up his teaching career to see...

Dream After Dream Come True.

The biggest adventure was yet to come!!! As we were bringing our songs & hearts to our audiences, they were singing their own songs to us through their smiles and support. As a result, we cut our first album in Nashville, TN. We did National TV, Commercials, and had a contract with Chevron Oil which created many more opportunities in the entertainment business. Now you may ask...

What Makes Our Show Work?

Entertaining people to us means loving people, sharing our lives with them, laughing together, crying together, being "Family" together!!

Every Mile a Miracle

In the pages of this book you will meet modern day Renaissance man Jackie Fay Robinson. His remarkable story took him from the hills of Kentucky to the halls of prestigious Princeton, from the ranks of the U.S. Army to a philosophy professorship at acclaimed Syracuse University, and ultimately to a lifelong call of ministry in a most unusual and unexpected milieu. Jackie's story is inextricably interwoven with that of his beloved wife of 57 years, Mary Ruth, and their five children, for Jackie's dream to reach "those who would never set foot inside a church" with the gospel of Jesus Christ would fuel the entire family's endeavors for over thirty years. Ride along with the Robinson Family Singers and their extraordinary adventures as they follow God's call on their lives, crossing continents, mountains, and oceans to minister to the lost and hurting. This is a man and a family you will never forget. "This book tells much of Jackie Fay Robinson's story, though far from all. His life has been packed with dreams, daring, and disappointments enough to fill a dozen books. Love of life, love of family, love of country, and love of God. These are the four pillars on which this family has always rested, and they are all on display in these pages. The ministry they chose has been blessed again and again with stunning touches of what can only be called God's providence." Gerald Culley, Associate Professor of Classics (Emeritus) University of Delaware.